简历:The Google Resume: How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or any Top Tech Company
算法学习书籍:Introduction to Algorithms
编程珠玑:Programming Pearls (2nd Edition)
C++ 学习:The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition
经典操作系统书籍,龙书:Operating System Concepts
创业:The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career
Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.
Return all possible palindrome partitioning of s.
For example, given s =
[ ["aa","b"], ["a","a","b"] ]
好久没刷题,刚开始没思路,后来想了想,就和subsets一样。但凡这种需要把结果纪录下来,而且又要遍历的,大体的code structure就是此题这样。top-down地搜索,把中间结果纪录下来。